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About Opencv 3.2 and Deep Regression Networks

Opencv 3.2, and Deep Regression Networks Opencv 3.2 is out. I am just checking the change log. What is inside from the my point of v...

Vl 18 Jan, 2017

Amazon GO driven by modern computer vision from business perspective

Amazon GO driven by modern computer vision, sensor fusion and deep learning  In my eyes this is the brilliant idea. Just walk in, pick u...

Vl 17 Jan, 2017 1

Head and people detection in opencv

LBP cascade free to download to use in opencv to detect people and heads. Code example and cascade description. All you need to write your...

Vl 9 Jan, 2017 13

Opencv Kalman filter example video head tracking. Code soon

Opencv Kalman filter example video head tracking Example of kalman filter in Opencv with head detection and tracking.  Two big tuto...

Vl 3 Jan, 2017 4

Opencv head and people detection code cascade

head and people detection Opencv LBP CascadeClassifier  This LBP cascade for opencv will be available soon. People is just new ve...

Vl 30 Dec, 2016 5

Car detection in Opencv LBP cascade to download

LBP ( included to download) and Haar features in OpenCV detectMultiscale are one of the most simple and also powerful (Old sure) to dete...

Vl 18 Dec, 2016 3

Facebook page is out as Funvisionblog

Facebook page is out. Stay tuned to more tutorials, news and updates. Funvision

Vl 17 Dec, 2016
