Opencv Tutorials for C++

Opencv 4 GStreamer (windows) video streaming tutorial + full source code for RTSP HLS streamingOpencv C++ tutorial about stream your processed video results from your C++ OpenCV app outside and not just using a simple OpenCV graphical interface. The video streaming of your results is what you are looking for. Do you want to stream processed video from your IoT device? Yes, This is mainly for Linux. Do you want to stream processed video to the Web player, broadcast the video or just use VLC to play video processed by OpenCV? You may be interested in reading the next lines.

More tutorials 

 Opencv tracking API example goal

Opencv detect cars people by Haar and lbp

Code tutorials and also cascades for download for detect multiscale in opencv. 

People tracking opencv
People detection opencv

Opencv basic c++ tutorials

This section is full of the basic skills about how to detect background, draw the rectangles or write your own slideing widows to evaluate roi image. I think Most of you also found valuable information about the opencv instalation and many other libraries for computer vision.. 

Background opencv

Canny hough lines

Car dataset for opencv 

opencv car dataset

Opencv Tutorials and Video Stream

Video stream related topics. Video stream in opencv is easy. There is mess in IP cameras URL standards, but this issue needs only some training. No some special skills. 
  • Unknown
    Unknown January 19, 2016 at 10:21 AM

    please send me the code of kalman filtering to track the person using opencv

    • Vl
      Vl January 10, 2017 at 11:19 AM

      It will be published soon.. I already prepare the code and example video is available..

  • Faizan
    Faizan July 16, 2017 at 7:22 AM

    Sir please upload a sample application of person tracking using kalman filter with opencv, it will be very helpful for me.

  • Unknown
    Unknown August 8, 2018 at 12:18 PM

    Hello, It is excellent work. You know any pipeline to detect pedestrian and vehicle in low light or night time.

  • trustno1
    trustno1 January 30, 2019 at 12:07 PM

    c++ codings for beginner programmers
    cplusplus code | Computing sum with template arrays for vector

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