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Science and computer vision journals, conferences and sources

Science Journals in general I think that, if you have something published in IEEE . You are the really good one. I have. It is not in...

Vl 12 Mar, 2016

Fast Opencv people pedestrian detection Tutorial by CascadeClassifier

Simple Opencv C++ tutorial and example of people detection in video samples and pictures. There is nothing you cannot achieve in a few sim...

Vl 11 Mar, 2016 20

Opencv 3.1 people detection by CascadeClassifier

The comparison of Opencv Cascade for people detections. Default opencv cascades are good ones. You can simply achieve better results but y...

Vl 2 Mar, 2016 16

Opencv 3.1 Tutorial Optical flow (calcOpticalFlowFarneback)

Opencv simple C++ tutorial and code to achieve optical flow and farneback optical flow of moving an object in OpenCV video. Let's chec...

Vl 25 Feb, 2016 22

Microsoft Project oxford computer vision

Research AI and Computer vision There is some demo. Actually it works. I am younger and good thing is that gender is right. Projec...

Vl 23 Feb, 2016 2
