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Download My custom trained Opencv Cascade Classifier for detectMultiScale

This tutorial contains a list of custom trained LBP and HAAR cascade trained for Opencv CascadeClassifier detect multiscale method. You c...

Vl 12 Mar, 2020

Face mouth eyes, facial landmarks detection tutorial for Opencv C++

This tutorial shows simple and useful code on how to detect face and face landmarks in OpenCV C++. It is a very simple task for 30 minutes...

Vl 9 Mar, 2020

Video tutorial of OpenCV tracking API, the simplest code ever

This tutorial focus on single target tracking in OpenCV 4 contribution tracking API. The code is included and contains under 60 simple lin...

Vl 8 Jan, 2020 1

Opencv mouse drawing C++ tutorial, mouse setMouseCallback region selection

This c++ Opencv tutorial shows you how to draw a rectangle by mouse over the object. The purpose of this is to take a Region of interest f...

Vl 5 Jan, 2020 1
