November 2015

Helicopter with vibrating suspended load

Position and vibration control This is really nice control example on experimental tool developed in our group at Czech Technical Univer...

Vl 23 Nov, 2015

Basic Face Detection, Opencv 3 Visual Studio 2015

Basic Opencv Face Detection Tutorial Basic Opencv C++ tutorial how to detect the face from video image and any source you can achieve. ...

Vl 23 Nov, 2015 18

Install opencv Visual Studio 2015

Opencv tutorial on how to build OpenCV from source in Visual Studio 2015. This is useful when the new version has just been released and th...

Vl 21 Nov, 2015 69

Kalman Filter simple tracking example.

This is a simple tracking example of moving object.  The basic concept is simple as following the steps  Use background subtraction   ...

Vl 17 Nov, 2015 8

Opencv VideoCapture File, Web Camera, RTSP stream

Opencv tutorial simple code in C++ to capture video from File, Ip camera stream and also the web camera plug into the computer. The key is...

Vl 16 Nov, 2015 24

Martingate Betting roulette hell

About Martingate This really old betting strategy was popular in 18th century in France. Through the ages there are many modification an...

Vl 15 Nov, 2015 7